Tuesday, May 16, 2017

God Touches the Heart

"Foreigners will build your walls, and their kings will serve you.  Tough in anger I struck you, in favor I will show you compassion." 
Isaiah 60:10

     I only have one more month in Bolivia.  The good byes are more difficult than when I left the States because I don't know if I will see some people again.  I have to make it a priority to make time with the people that have loved me through everything.  I find that it leaves me emotionally raw. 
     Last week I was talking to this wonderful woman and she asked me to look for how God loves ME personally, not just in comcept, but in an intimate way.  Lets be honest, even as a strong Christian your alone time can become monotone.  In the States, I knew exactly who I was in God.  Since becoming a foreigner, my whole world has been turned inside out and everything changed.  I am not saying that change is bad, but it effects you more than what you can see.  This particular change in my devotions has helped recharge me.  I have been taking control of my life too, except for the areas that God is telling me is His and I cant have it back. 
     My journaling is different now.  It feels more intimate again.  I am taking His Word and seeing how He loves ME.  Look to the top, it is one part of the scripture that shouted out to me today.  I am a foreigner.  It is not easy it takes control away from you.  I am not saying that when you have hard times that God is angry with you.  I am saying that He uses the hard times to show you things like compassion.  It is always for my benefit.  I pray that you see it for your benefit too.  Instead of asking, "Why is this happening to me?", I am challenging you to say, "Why not me?".

1 comment:

  1. شركة تنظيف خزانات بالطائف
    تحتاج عملية تنظيف الخزانات إلى الكثير من الأعمال التي لن تقدر على الحصول عليها سوى من خلال شركة تنظيف خزانات بالطائف، كما أنها تعتمد شركة تنظيف الخزانات بالطائف على استخدامها لأحدث المعدات والأدوات التي تسهل عملية التنظيف، كما أنها تعمل على تقديم الكثير من خدمات تنظيف الخزانات والتي تهم العديد من عملاء الطائف والذي تتمثل في التالي:
    1. تعمل على تنظيف الخزانات بالبخار بالطائف.
    2. تنظيف خزانات بالطائف عن طريق استخدام أحدث المعدات والأدوات.
    3. الاعتماد على فريق عمل متميز بالخبرة الطويلة في مجال التنظيف.
    4. تقدم الشركة خدمة تنظيف شقق ومنازل.
    5. خدمة عزل خزانات بالطائف.
